Keep Your Foot Healthy From Swelling

It is a very common sight to see painless swelling in the feet and ankles and this is more among older people. The swelling is caused by abrupt fluid build-up in the ankles, feet, and legs. The biological term for this condition is called Edema which has various home care options like wearing slippers for edema and more which we’ll talk about later.

This is a common sight for a person who is overweight, is older, may or may not have a blood clot in the swelled leg, leg infection or the veins of the legs are getting weaker up in pumping enough blood to the heart.
There are few home care options available for this but that doesn’t mean you can leave your medications since a health care approach is always a safer need. You can try the following tips to provide relief:
Give up on your heavyweight and start losing it

Wear foot pillow heel protectors while walking around

While you are resting, rest your legs on the pillow above your heart level

Make an exercise schedule for your legs and follow strictly

Keep the amount of salt less in your daily diet to avoid fluid build-up

Avoid wearing congested or tight clothing, especially in thigh areas
Get in touch with your nearest hospital or your family doctor if you notice any of the following:
You are feeling breathlessness.
Constant pain in the chest which feels more like pressure or tightness.
You have a medical history related to heart or kidney and the swelling keeps increasing.
Legs and abdomen are swelling up and you are on medication for liver disease.
The temperature is high in the swollen leg or foot.

You are suffering from fever.
Keep extra care if you are pregnant especially when the swelling increases at a sudden pace.

9 Mistakes to Avoid so You don't snore Anymore 

Room temperature, misplaced pillow, sleeping medication... What are the everyday mistakes that can encourage snoring, and how can it be remedied? Dr. Gilles Besnainou, an ENT doctor in Paris, takes stock.
Warning: If snoring is large, persistent and is accompanied by fatigue, see an ENT. It can be a sign of sleep apnea, a respiratory disease with serious health consequences.
Sleeping on your back
What for? "On the back, the tongue tilts and closes the spaces at the pharynx which promotes snoring," explains Dr. Gilles Besnainou, AN ENT doctor. Indeed, "when there is obstruction of the upper airways, the tissue of these pathways vibrates when the air passes during sleep: this is the very definition of snoring," recalls the doctor.
How do I do that? "It's best to sleep on your stomach or possibly on your side. A trick to do this is to sew a tennis ball cut in half in the back of her pajamas: it will prevent lying on her back, suggests Dr. Besnainou.
Falling asleep with a stuffy nose
What for? If the nasal pits are blocked, the inspired airflow will be stronger and therefore the airway tissues will vibrate louder and the snoring will be more audible.
How do I do that? "You can put nasal drops before you sleep or use a narinaire dilator to facilitate the passage of air," says Dr. Besnainou.
Overheating your room
What for? "The heat dilates the nasal mucous membranes and therefore causes a nasal obstruction," says Dr. Besnainou.
How do I do that? Prefer a cool but also slightly moistened room, as dry air can also be a contributing factor.
Sleeping without a pillow
What for? Sleeping flat can cause the nose to clog by the venous back and tongue to tip back, two factors that will clog the airways and thus cause snoring.
How do I do that? "Think about raising your headboard and Sleep Apnea Pillow to make it less snoring," advises the ENT doctor.
Enjoy the good watered dinners
What for? A hearty meal, and what is more watered, will promote snoring. Indeed, alcohol relaxes the fabrics of the palate which will vibrate more easily.
How do I do that? "Eat light at night, and don't drink alcohol before going to sleep," says Dr. Besnainou.
Taking sleeping pills
What for? "Sleeping pills promote snoring because they generate deeper sleep," says Dr. Besnainou.
How do I do that? Avoid taking these medications and, in case of sleep disturbances, turn instead to alternative medicines.
Have a few extra pounds
What for? Overweight is a major factor in snoring, as fat will reduce the diameter of the airways.
How do I do that? Monitor your weight, setting up a balanced diet and regular physical activity.
Being a smoker
What for? "Cigarettes generate an inflammatory phenomenon of the upper air pathways that generate an oedema of the mucous membranes, which causes snoring," explains Dr. Besnainou.
How do I do that? Reduce your smoking and find the right solution for quitting smoking.
Sports in the evening
What for? Playing sports shortly before bed can disturb sleep and therefore lead to snoring.
How do I do that? "You have to play sports, but not just before you go to sleep. Instead, practice it during the day on a regular basis," advises the doctor.

Why Diabetic People Should Invest In Diabetic Shoes And Socks?

People who are suffering from diabetes should take care of their feet and invest in good quality diabetic shoes and socks. Diabetic Shoes and socks are specially designed to ensure that diabetic people do not suffer from any scratch or injury.
The diabetic socks are seamless and made up of breathable fabric. The diabetic shoes are designed in such a way that they can easily accommodate swollen feet.
Also, these shoes are made up of good quality material that you never face any problem while walking or jumping. While choosing the diabetic shoes you should measure your swollen feet so that you do not face any problem wearing them when your feet are swollen.
The people who are suffering from diabetes should never compromise with footwear. The bad quality footwear can lead to bruises, blisters, etc that can easily convert into an infection. Diabetic people with nerve damage may have different shapes of their feet.
 These people should choose special diabetic footwear and socks. There are different types of diabetic boots available in the market and you can choose the best one that can fulfill your needs and requirements.

Difference Between Diabetic Recovery Socks & Running Compression Socks

Running pressure socks and recuperation socks are special hosiery gear that are intended to improve the course of your bloodstream and to give more help for your furthest points. A portion of the makers of these items likewise call them uphold socks to more readily depict their manifestations.
You ought not befuddle running pressure socks and recuperation socks from that of non-pressure diabetic socks and even the easygoing ones regardless of whether they all appear to be identical.
The main role of such items is to give graduated tension on your foot up to your lower leg. In correlation, athletic socks and conventional dress socks just give extremely insignificant pressure, which is the reason they are not completely considered as restorative.
What precisely is the contrast between running pressure socks and recuperation socks? Both have practically comparative appearances, yet they have unmistakable purposes. For example, the Jobst Athletic Knee-Length Unisex Socks have high characteristics in the material and it is good for various exercises, regardless of whether for playing, running, strolling or doing any kind of game. The acrylic and nylon mix in its materials help keep the lower furthest points agreeable and dry, which adequately forestalls rankles.
Meanwhile, the CEP Men’s Skiing O2 Compression Socks, which are likewise accessible for ladies, are the best suggested sorts for the individuals who do cross country skiing and snowboarding. There are a ton of issues that can be forestalled on the off chance that you can pick the sufficient socks for this action.
These don’t just keep your feet from having sensitive areas and rankles yet they additionally give a progression of protected weight that can improve your presentation and blood course. Socks like these are made out of dri-discharge materials that are without latex so it can keep dampness from leaking in while tossing out awful smell.
Then again, recuperation socks are suggested for improving and accelerating your recuperation. They are directed in disposing of lactic acids in your body which are gathered in the muscle territory of your legs while you are working out. They additionally assuage touchiness instigated by practices and mitigate drained and throbbing legs.
For example, the Recovery Compression Knee High Socks have graduated help that gives strain to your lower legs, which bit by bit decline toward the legs to consider ideal blood flow.
It additionally offers moderate help to help in mitigating tired lower furthest points, minor varicosities and gentle expanding. This is particularly valid for individuals who are in danger for venous problems.
You can likewise pick another choice, which is the CEP Men’s Recovery Compression Socks. This is planned with medi pressure to progressively pack the lower legs, thus reducing the lower furthest points from having venous return.
This sort is additionally furnished with delicate paddings, level toe creases and agreeable groups to guarantee all out dampness of the executives. It is additionally made out of silver particles that lessens smell with some microfiber innovation. Regardless of whether it fends dampness off, it permits your feet to relax.

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3 Needful Gadgets for Seniors in the Winter

As the greater part of all hypothermia-related passing in the USE were included individuals beyond 65 years old, uncommon consideration must be taken for the older in colder districts. Seniors are particularly in danger because of their more prominent odds of having impeded portability, inconvenience appropriately imparting, a lower level of subcutaneous fat, just as a more slow digestion and a decreased capacity to detect temperature.
Here are two or three recommendations with respect to safe and moderately modest things that can help get the chill far from seniors and more youthful individuals the same.
Foot Warmers
Here is a choice of foot warmers in different styles that are useful for use in a hurry or for while resting at home. The attention here is on generally battery worked, battery-powered, and microwaveable plans that will help stay away from the stumbling risks of electrical strings.
Hottest Blankets
Taking into account that there are some security concerns in regards to electric covers (with the electric fields they produce when turned on and with their ropes being expected stumbling risks or fire perils in the event that they're worn through) and the significant expense of steady battery swaps for their battery worked partners, it's by and large suggested that more characteristic covers be utilized with regards to the old.
The hottest assortments accessible are European down sofa-beds with fill powers appraised during the 700s followed by 100% merino or alpaca fleece sofa-beds (which other than being the hottest rates, tends not to be as scratchy as other fleece mixes) Of the fabricated materials accessible, 200 polar downy covers are suggested.
Wheelchair Poncho
These specific capes, Wheelchair Poncho, and coats have been explicitly intended for use with wheelchairs and arrive in an assortment of tones and textures. They would be especially useful during precipitation, regardless of whether it's downpour or day off.

How To Provide Support To Your Spine Bone Every Day?

Sitting or standing for long hours can create problems in your backbone. Bad body posture can lead to the spinal disc problem. You should take care of your body posture while sitting and standing as well. Fortunately, there are various ways to prevent your back from spinal problems. Here, in this article, we are going to discuss various tips to support your lower back:

Bent Knees About 90-Degree

You should keep your knees bent at a 90-degree angle and also keep your feet flat on the ground. If it is required, you should adjust your seat as per your height. You should keep your hips at the same height or slightly above to your knees. This sitting position will help in reducing stress in your lumbar spine. Also, you should invest in good quality footrest to stay comfortable while sitting on a chair.

Use Wedge Cushion Support

You can invest in the wedge cushion to provide support to your backbone. You can also use lumbar support to let you back stay in its natural position. The wedge cushion and lumbar support will help in providing support to your back.

Comfortable Footwear

Our footwear is also responsible for back pain. Therefore, it is recommended that you should wear good quality footwear. People who are suffering from diabetes often feel back pain. They should invest in comfortable diabetic slippers.

What Are Important Things Required By Older Adults?

When we become older, we find it very difficult to do our day-to-day tasks easily. But, by investing in various things we can make our life easy and simple as well. The biggest problem faced by older adults is the inability to move. Also, their hands shiver while doing anything. Here, we are going to make a list of things that can make the lives of older adults simple and enjoyable.

Adult size bibs

Older adults who are facing the problem of tremor are not able to eat properly. Thus, the adult size bibs can prevent their clothes from food crumbs and food spills. Moreover, some thoughtfully designed adult size bibs that can prevent the floor from food spills. 

Wheelchair Ponchos

Older adults who need a wheelchair to move from one place to another should consider investing in the wheelchair ponchos. The wheelchair poncho will prevent them from rain showers and also keep them warm in shivering cold weather.

Install Grab Bars

Slippery floors of the bathroom can be dangerous for older adults. Therefore, it is quite important to consider the installation of the grab bars that will let the older adults hold a tight grip. Thus, grab bars play a vital role in the safety of older adults.

Lower Height Of Beds

Beds of older adults should be at a lower height so that older people can easily step up over the bed. The bed with high height makes it very difficult for older adults to step up on the bed.

Keep Home Ambiance Comfortable

You should install air conditioning devices and room heaters that can make the indoor ambiance comfortable. Older adults are highly vulnerable to health problems when the temperature goes extremely high or low.

Top 8 Diabetes Care Measures

Diabetes is a serious disease which needs lifetime care and its risks can be eased down by taking a few preventive measures and reducing the effects of life-threatening complications.
Follow these 8 steps for a healthier life:

Monitor your blood sugar levels regularly and follow the instructions and medications given by your doctors. Learn all about your diabetes and make healthy eating a part of your lifestyle.

Don’t compromise on sleep and comfort, use a diabetic pillow for a good night’s sleep without compromising on your health.

If you smoke, it’s the right time to say goodbye to it because smoking will reduce the blood flow to your legs and feet causing serious conditions like ulcers and other infections.

Use foot pillow heel protectors to provide relief from skin pressure and comfort to sore, achy feet while you are sleeping.

Diabetic people often complain about having gum infections. Make sure you are brushing your teeth twice a day especially with a fluoride toothpaste. Also, visit your dentist for check-ups twice a year.

Stressing about every little thing hinders the process of diabetic treatment. Take your stress seriously and devote some time to yoga and meditation regularly.

Alcohol can disturb your blood sugar levels high or low. If you are a regular drinker, make sure to drink responsibly and always have a meal or snacks with it.

Diabetes makes your immune system weak and you are more prone to illness. Routine vaccines can help you, consult your doctors about flu, pneumonia and other vaccines.

How to Choose the Right car Seat to Protect your Child in the Car

Short trips: Accidents most often occur on short trips: tie your children up when you drive them to school, even if the distance is short. In the city,the speed is lower, but you should know that a shock at 50 km/h is fatal in 60% of cases when you are not belted.

The child in the back: the fact that the child is in the back is not enough to protect him if he is not belted: in case of impact he is thrown violently against the windshield. Child seat attachment:
The seat must be securely secured, the seat belt that must be tightly stretched, otherwise the seat is ineffective.

The “Isofix” system has been in place, since 2002, gradually for new cars. He no longer uses the seat belt to attach the child seat to the car: the child seat is secured directly rigidly by two arms that are engaged in two fixed anchors, welded to the floor of the car, at the intersection of the backrest center console armrest cushion.
center console armrest cushion

This system prevents the seat from tossing as is often the case with seat belts. It reduces the risk of incorrect use, which is often seen and is a common cause of worsening accidents. It is particularly suitable for “harness seats” of the 9–18 kg, but can also be marketed for back-to-road seats and boosters.
When buying a new child seat, if you own (or are planning to purchase) a car equipped with Isofix, choose a seat equipped with Isofix arms: there are some with sliding arms, which can be installed with both the classic belts and the Isofix stirrups.

What type of restraint to choose, depending on the child’s weight?

Below, we describe the characteristics that restraints need to have to achieve the highest level of safety for your child. Other devices more or less different nevertheless comply with the European standard ECE 44/03 (see below) When buying, do not look at the price: your child’s life is priceless!

Child under 13 kg

Two approved solutions: the back-to-road seat and the gondola bed At this age, the child’s head is heavy relative to his or her body. Its necks are still very fragile: we therefore strongly recommend choosing the solution of the seat “back to the road” (face to back) , rather than the gondola bed which is registered but does not have the same safety.

With a back-to-roadseat, in case of impact, the child will be well placed in his seat, while with a “feet forward” seat, his head would be thrown violently forward in case of impact, and this could result in fractures of the spinal cord.

On a back-to-road seat, the child will be in a semi-elongated position, and will sleep as well as in a bed-pod. The back seat to the road is either in the front seat(if there is no air bag or if it is disconnected),or in the back seat, with a three-point belt.

Child between 9 and 18 kg

There are also some “back to the road” seats, such as for under 13 kg, which are suitable for up to 18 kg, but for this weight range (9–18 kg) you can use the “roadside” seats (feet forward), and there you have the choice between: — the classic seat with harness, 5 or 3 straps; one of the straps must be “between legs” to prevent the child from slipping from under.

This is the seat we recommend for this age. The seat with a protective tablet (shield): it’s a very easy system to install. It is positionable on a three-point belt or a two-point belt (note that eventually the two-point belts are expected to disappear)

Child between 15 and 36 kg
The child can use devices with which he is normally held by the three-point belt of the vehicle. You have the choice between: the booster with armrests. It is very advisable to choose a booster with the following three devices: a backrest with side protections and a strap guide to properly calibrate the passage of the three-point belt.

What Are Different Types Of Women Sports Bra?

The sports bra has been categorized into different groups. Some of the categories and groups are described below:

Pullover Bra
The pullover bras are basically like the tank top. The pullover bra has the elastic bottom lining that ends below the breast. When you want to do low-impact activities, these kinds of bras are perfect.

2. Encapsulation Sports Bra

When you want to do a high-intensity workout, you should wear the encapsulation sports bra. The encapsulation sports bras are comprised of inbuilt cups that will provide full coverage and prevent extensive movement of the breast. Therefore, these bras are perfect for the heavy workout.

3. Criss-Cross Back

In this type of bra, the backside of the bra is in criss-cross shape. This style of the bra provides good support. If you want to wear a deep neck or tank tops, this type of bra is perfect. You can also go for the butterfly back bra with your backless top.

4. Compression Sports Bra

The compression sports bras are usually available in the pull-over style. But, they do not have any kind of in-built cups. The compression sports bras are custom designed so that they can ensure full comfort and flexibility.

How To Relieve Heel Pain (plantar talalgia)?

Heel pain or “talalgia” is pain related to inflammation of the plantar fascia, the thick fibrous membrane that connects the calcaneus (heel bone) to the phalanxes of the foot.
Causes of heel pain
Talalgia can be caused by micro-traumas related to the inappropriate practice of physical activity,such as running and jumping. The heel on the ground receives shocks that can cause inflammation of the insertion of plantar apotheosis. “This is observed in people who are too intense and brutal in physical activity. It is necessary to go gradually!”stresses Dr. Loniewski.
Sever’s disease
Sever’s disease is osteochondrite of the foot, which usually occurs in adolescents. It corresponds to an abnormality in the growth of bone and cartilage.
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Heel pain is one of the symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis, an inflammatory disease of the spine. “Itis an autoimmune rheumatic disease that leads to joint inflammation,”says Xavier Loniewski. The pathology is explored in cases of painful symptoms specific to heels, as these pains can mark the onset of the disease.
Plantar aponévrositis
Apotheosis is a fibrous tissue of the foot located under the skin, in the middle of the arch and attached to the heel and the first phalanxes. It is the plantar aponeurosis that stretches the arch of the foot. It transmits the force needed to propel the foot from the rear forward. The plantar aponeurosis is also an actor of the stability of the plantar arch during walking. “Plantar aponévrositis is when inflammation is not only insertion but the entire fibrous layer.”
Calcaneal spine
“The spine is not a cause, but a consequence of talalgia: it is the ultimate evolution of tendonitis. The inflammation of plantar apotheosis will gradually create calcifying tendinitis,”explains orthopedic surgeon Xavier Loniewski. On the radio, this calcification takes on a similar aspect to that of a thorn. “This development is very common.”
Wearing unsuitable shoes can cause heel pain. “Shoes that are too flat or insoles that are too thin, for example, should not be allowed. On the other hand, contrary to what one might think, wearing heeled shoes does not increase the risk of talalgia – if at all that these heels are not too high.” Bad shoes can also cause Haglund’s disease, which is characterized by a bone defect. “There is a lump behind the heel related to the conflict between the shoe and the calcaneus.”
Other risk factors
Overweight (also in pregnant women) and obesity, flat or hollow feet can lead to talalgia.
Symptoms: How to recognize heel pain?
The pain is felt at the heel, the arch and can radiate up to the ankle (and up to the calf, but to a lesser extent). “These pains occur both actively and at rest, but mainly during walking,” adds Dr. Loniewski. Awakening is also a time for pain: “morning blurring can be painful, as in all inflammatory diseases.” Other possible symptoms include “swelling in the heel, palpation pain.”
Treatments: How to relieve heel pain?
To relieve talalgia, there is a simple and unavoidable remedy:”to pass an ice cube on the heel, which will deflate the area”. Drug treatments include anti-inflammatory creams and patches,as well as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). “Ifthis doesn’t work, silicone-based heels can be prescribed, which cushion the heel impact on the floor, or even custom orthopedic insoles,” explainsXavier Loniewski.
Shock waves are increasingly being used to relieve these ailments. A machine sends shocks to the heel, like a small hammer. “This shakes the heel and causes a vascularization that regenerates the insertion of the tendon. It also eliminates calcification. Eight times out of ten, I manage to cure my patients as well. So we avoid surgery.” Cortisone infiltrations or heel insertion level are also part of the therapeutic arsenal.

The Secrets of Effective Foot Care

Often wrongly neglected, however, the feet need regular care. Indeed, they are subjected to a large number of pressures and constraints during the day. Here are our best tips for achieving effective care to have perfect feet.
A scrub for new feet
If they are not cared for, the feet can become our worst enemies. One of the most common problems? Calluses, especially on the heel. More common after winter, because closed shoes worn daily during this season promote their training, they can be cared for. It is best to start with a ten-minute bath, as advised by pedicure and podiatrist Bastien Gonzalez.

This will make the skin softer and more docile when getting rid of rough areas, thanks to a pumice stone or grater. To be completed with a weekly scrub, applied by making small circular movements on the heel to remove dead skin.

Hydration for soft feet
Good foot care should also moisturize and nourish thoroughly. Apply a moisturizer immediately after the scrub. There are also masks, specially designed in the form of serum-soaked socks, for a fun and practical pedicure.
For maximum effect, it is advisable not to remove excess cream before putting your socks. To be washed the next day, to avoid fungus.

The pedicure for glamorous feet
A beautiful pedicure starts with the pampering of the nails. It is recommended to cut them fairly short and squared every 2–3 weeks: this is the best way to avoid ingrown nails.
Then comes the installation of a varnish (be careful not to abuse the permanent to let the nail breathe) in nude tones for the most discreet or in a bright color for those who want to play the card of originality.

Diabetes: Smart Socks Designed To Prevent Ulcers

A few days before World Diabetes Day, November 14, an American start-up unveils an innovation aimed at preventing amputation in patients, caused by foot ulcers, one of the main complications of diabetes. These connected socks measure the temperature of the feet in real time.

Every year in the United States, 100,000 diabetic patients have to be amputated because of poorly treated ulcers. In France, there are 10 times less, with 10,000 amputations performed.

Foot injuries are particularly dangerous for people with diabetes, as poor blood flow prevents the wound from healing properly and can lead to infection or gangrene. A small injury caused by a blister due to the friction of a new shoe, a badly cut nail or a hardwood can lead to a complication.

For example, it is estimated that 15% of diabetic patients are at risk of amputation in the event of an ulcer.

An American start-up, Siren care, has tackled this problem by developing connected socks, capable of measuring the temperature of the feet in real time and thus preventing amputations of the lower limbs.

Specifically, sensors have been integrated into the sock fabric to make the measurement more accurate, and alert the patient, via an application, in case of inflammation of the skin.

Clinical trials are planned with UCSF University in San Francisco, but the start-up has already launched a commercialization of the product by offering its diabetic dress socks in packs of 7, for each day of the week, in presale on its website, for 20.

With 30 million Americans with diabetes, the disease is one of the three diseases that kill the most people with cancer and heart disease. In France, in 2013, more than 3 million people with diabetes were taking medication for diabetes, or 4.7% of the population. In addition, there are people with diabetes who do not know, about 700,000 people according to the Invs (National Institute for Health Watch).

Epidemic is now being referred to as global figures change: THE World Health Organization (WHO) predicts 622 million people worldwide by 2040. Overweight, obesity, lack of physical activity are the main factors causing the disease.

The awareness of the seriousness of the epidemic led the United Nations to declare 14 November each year "United Nations World Diabetes Day".

How To Easily Order Diabetic Supplies Online?

People that are suffering from an illness called diabetes can order many of their supplies online. In fact, just about every kind of tool and accessory that you will ever need to manage your diabetes is available online. The best thing about getting the items online is that the items are shipped right to your door. You can order things such as insulin and all the testing supplies that you will ever need. Online suppliers are making the way people manage their diabetes a lot easier and less complicated.

Having diabetes is one of the most expensive illnesses that anyone can ever have. Ordering your supplies online can help down on costs because the shipping is free with just about every supplier, and many of the sellers and suppliers online offer discounts to their customers. The most common supplies that people are ordering online right now are insulin, syringes, syringe disposals, prep wipes (alcohol), test strips, logbooks, carrying cases, Sacro Back Support Pillow and metes.

When you have diabetes, it is important that you skip as many sweets as possible. That is very hard for many people to do. You can find many things such as sugar-free candies, sugar-free foods, sugar-free cake mixes and frosting, sugar-free pancake mix, as well as many other things. You should also take care of your foot when you are suffering from diabetes such as diabetic dress socks.

You can find tons of useful information, such as diabetic tips and different ways to keep healthy while trying to manage your diabetes. Many of the online suppliers also handle all the hard work when it comes to working with insurance companies and Medicare. Another plus about getting your diabetic supplies online is that you never have to wait in line at the pharmacy again. You simply log onto the computer that is usually in the comfort of your own home and order the supplies that you need.

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How Edema Slippers Are Beneficial For Diabetic Patient

There is a particular type of slipper worn by diabetics; theses are, obviously, known as diabetic slippers such as men's open toe edema slippers. They work to prevent potential slipping through a wide bottom and non-slip sole, which is important when you consider the numbness brought on by neuropathy. In order to prevent diabetic ulcers, they are composed of a very soft material that wraps around the foot in a seamless construction that is designed to prevent rubbing. Preventing diabetic foot problems is one of the most important parts of diabetes treatment, and below you will find four reasons why diabetic slippers are an important part of that prevention.
Many people do not wear properly fitted shoes or socks. Diabetics suffer from an impaired ability to heal when compared to non-diabetics, so it is important to avoid constant chafing, as it can result in skin breakdown and open wounds. Potential infections, which are quite likely in diabetics, could lead to serious problems down the line.
One of the primary foot-related complications of diabetes is called diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Walking becomes more difficult when you have neuropathy because the numbness makes it much more difficult to tell whether you are walking on something or whether the terrain is even. The no-skid soles and wide bottoms that you normally find on diabetic slippers are put there in order to help make walking easier.

Protect your feet with Comfort Finds Toe Protected Socks

In swimming pools, water parks and spas, the risk of foot infection greatly increases. Become a carefree swimmer by easily preventing these infections.

Swimming is great for health. It is recommended by many doctors as a sport that takes care of the joints and works all the muscle groups in the body. But many people come to public pools, most often barefoot. 

Despite the countermeasures taken in these places, the risk of infection with diseases, such as yeast infection of the feet and nails, or plantar warts, increases. Wound infections pose an additional risk to people with weak immune systems, diabetics and the elderly. 

Sanitary facilities, changing rooms and showers can easily lead to infection. How to protect yourself from the invisible threat? By becoming a carefree swimmer with Comfort Finds socks.

What can you do to prevent foot infections?

It is above all a question of respecting a minimum of hygiene . Using slippers and taking a full shower after swimming is essential. It is especially important to dry your feet and make sure, before putting on the socks, that the spaces between the toes are dry. 

Indeed, the area between the toes is fertile ground for bacteria and fungi. Classic shoes and socks also promote this fertile ground by squeezing the toes. Once on the feet, bacteria nestle on socks, in shoes; later in the apartment and may be able to spread. If contamination is already declared, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

The Comfort Finds socks thread reduces the risk of infection through a dual strategy :

1) Dry the habitat of bacteria and fungi

In finger socks, all the toes are wrapped individually. The fabric absorbs moisture and keeps the toes dry. The spaces between the toes are better ventilated and the habitat becomes inhospitable for bacteria and fungi.

2) Silver directly attacks the outer shell of microorganisms providing an effective antimicrobial effect.

In the toe and heel area, a thin silver thread is incorporated. (The area is recognizable by a darker contrast.) Silver has antimicrobial properties. It damages and destroys microorganisms by breaking their outer shell. The antimicrobial effect of these toe socks has been demonstrated in a certified laboratory.

Are classic socks insufficient?

Normal socks, even with silver thread, do not manage the area between the toes . They do not reach microorganisms, so they stay where they can grow and thrive at best.

Aren't silver wireless toe socks enough protection?

Standard 5-finger socks separate the toes, and are therefore more hygienic than conventional socks, because they limit the accumulation of moisture between the toes. Normally, they are sufficient because they provide the first natural defense.

With Comfort Finds socks , the defensive effect is increased, as silver fights against microorganisms. If your immune system is weakened, it is recommended to use the Comfort Finds socks


By simply wearing toe socks, you can significantly reduce the risk of becoming infected with a foot disease after visiting a public water park. Make sure to "bring nothing home" and become a carefree swimmer!

Tips To Choose The Perfect Diabetic Shoes And Socks

If you're suffering from diabetes, you're at high risk for the diabetic foot. Uncontrolled blood sugar over time can lead to neuropathy and damage your feet. Your will feel little or no sensation on your feet, and because of this, you can easily injure them. If you're already experiencing neuropathy, the more you should take good care of your feet so that further complications won't set in, such as injury, infections, and amputations.

One important everyday ritual to prevent injury and complications is to inspect every area of your foot. Inspect the top, the soles, the sides, heels, and especially in between the toes. If you can't reach your feet, ask someone to do it for you. Your feet are special; therefore you should wear specific diabetic shoes to prevent your feet from any other injury. If you're shy to wear diabetic shoes thinking that they're too bulky or ugly, there are trendy and elegant diabetic shoes that don't give away its definition as diabetic. In fact, no one will get to know that you're wearing diabetic shoes.

Choose comfortable shoes that fit you well such as edema boots. Search for shoes that have plenty of space where you can wiggle your toes. Don't buy shoes that are tight-fitting. If your feet are already damaged from neuropathy, you won't sense pressure from tight shoes and can cause more damage.
Choose shoes made from canvas, leather, or suede. Never wear shoes that are made up of plastic or other materials that don't breathe.
Choose diabetic shoes that are waterproof so that your feet won't get wet in a downpour.
Choose diabetic dress socks that can control odor.
Choose diabetic shoes that have tempered steel shank and firm heel for support.

Advantages of cotton socks, essential for taking care of your feet

In recent seasons, socks have become more and more fashion accessories, and have started to have more flashy patterns or colors. Kindy, specialist in socks Made in France , even offers you a pair of cotton socks with a soccer ball pattern to support the Blues. 

The patterns change but the material remains mainly the same, cotton, why?

Let us recall briefly that cotton is a very resistant natural fiber, which surrounds the seeds of the cotton plant. It is therefore a natural product and good for the environment.

Cotton socks: the advantages

Cotton is one of the most used materials in the manufacture of socks. There is necessarily a reason for this important use. Cotton brings softness and comfort whether to touch or to wear, cotton also lets the skin breathe. Another advantage: its maintenance. 

Cotton socks are very easy to care for and easily withstand many washes. Which makes it a very popular material. There are even variations like the Scottish Wire . A chemically treated cotton to strengthen it.

Cotton or 100% cotton socks?

When we talk about cotton socks , you should know that for a sock to be called cotton, the sock must be composed of at least 50% cotton. On the other hand, a pair of 100 cotton socks will have at least 98% cotton with in general 2% elastane.

What is really the difference? Let's do a quick comparison. 100% cotton is lighter and thinner and has greater absorbency than cotton mixed with polyester. And level washing and ironing 100% cotton is more resistant.

100% cotton men's socks

Pure cotton socks are used for simple comfort, absorption or lightness but also for medical needs. Take the example of the Comfortfinds diabetic socks , a pair of socks recommended by the French Association of Diabetics. 

These 100 cotton men's socks use the characteristic of cotton to create a sock that perfectly meets the needs of diabetics such as, for example, a rod with no tourniquet effect or even extra flat seams.

The 100% cotton socks are also used to make hypoallergenic socks thanks to an Oeko-tex certified cotton, which once again is 98% present.

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Power Sliding Armrest - A New Level Of Luxury In Cars

In parallel with the evolution of the interior designs of our automotive supplier customers, Accuride is constantly adding new devices to its slides. Let us note among other examples the solutions of damping of the stop and the patented element of friction and blocking.

We have been very successful in integrating many functional elements into our rail systems , which often have to be designed and supplied externally in our competitors' systems.

One of Accuride's recent projects was the development of an electrically operated sliding armrest for a luxury vehicle. In addition to its ergonomic features, the armrest also serves as a small storage compartment which the driver and passenger can easily access.

Unlike armrests with manual adjustment which must be fitted with locking or locking systems to hold them at different hard points, this electrically controlled armrest moves automatically to the different hard points, or can be put in the intermediate position by the driver.

In addition, the driver can select the position of the cup holder. It is then accessible, while the compartment below remains closed.

Thanks to this compact design, the Accuride slide system requires no compromise when it comes to the shape or the trim of the car armrest cushion.

This additional comfort element leads to a small penalty in terms of weight, compared to traditional systems, but on the other hand, the system is surprisingly light thanks to the judicious use of aluminum and plastic. The engine and sensors are connected to the car by an automotive grade harness and connector.

Accuride developed this sliding armrest in close collaboration with the client's engineers. They have optimized the design, as well as the manufacturability in order to achieve a compact slide design, yet economical and elegant.

Speaking of the development project, Mike Harvey, the chief engineer at Accuride, said:
"As it was an entirely new armrest concept, the automaker and our design team were advancing into unknown territory with this project.

We have developed excellent working relationships with our client, providing mutual support throughout the project. With communications flowing freely, all challenges were quickly and efficiently resolved, and culminated in this great product of which we are all justifiably proud.

All engineers love to take on new challenges, and this project certainly gave me food for thought. The excellent relationship we have had with our client is one reason why this project is one of the best projects in which I have had the pleasure of participating.

As a project manager, this particular development presented a truly special challenge. Accuride acting as a tier 1 supplier, we therefore approached the car manufacturer directly. Since an electrical system has many more parts obtained from the outside than a traditional car slide, the emphasis on developing the supply chain was much more pronounced than in traditional projects.

Thanks to the team which included Accuride staff members and the client, we succeeded in meeting this challenge and we presented the project on time and with the expected level of quality. "

As with Accuride's mechanical armrest slides, this electric sliding system is assembled on a semi-automatic machine, to then be automatically controlled 100% by a dedicated system. The figures recorded during the control are 100% traceable by referring to the label affixed on the slide.

This system fulfills the operating and crash resistance specifications specified by the manufacturer allowing the console to pass the crash test by holding the cover in place.

If the cost of the electric control is obviously higher than the cost of a traditional sliding hand system, it combines the cost of several potentially expensive locking and unlocking systems.

In addition, it allows tier 1 suppliers and car manufacturers to offer their customers a completely new level of comfort, which clearly sets them apart in the competitive luxury vehicle market.

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Take Care Of Your Feet When You Are Diabetic

Diabetes, whether type 1 or 2, can lead to complications in the feet: trauma, wounds, lesions, etc. which require special attention and early treatment.Complications of diabetes in the feetThree main conditions of the foot are common in diabetics:Diabetic neuropathyIt is an alteration in the functioning of the nerves which promotes the appearance of sores in the feet.

It is characterized by:loss of sensitivity of the feet to pain, cold and heat ... but it results in severe pain;deformities of the feet (bunion, claw toes);thickening of the skin (dermatitis);abnormal dryness of the skin.As the foot becomes unresponsive to pain, a burn or injury can go unnoticed and worsen over time if left untreated.Plantar perforating painIt corresponds to a more or less deep hole located under the foot in most cases. It is one of the consequences of diabetic neuropathy. Scarring of this plantar perforating pain is very difficult and, if left untreated, the wound may extend to the bone. Amputation is sometimes considered to stop the progression of the wound.Arteritis of the lower limbsArteritis is a disease of the arteries that supply blood to the foot. It worsens the sores of the foot, can cause pain (painful ulcers) or necrosis (death of the foot tissue). This disease is not specific to diabetes, it is also very common in case of smoking, hypercholesterolemia (excess cholesterol in the blood) or high blood pressure.Did you know ?

Diabetes is the leading cause of amputation in France with 8,000 cases per year. More than 15% of diabetics will one day have a sore foot.How to prevent diabetic foot complications?The prevention of complications of the foot requires regular monitoring, at least once a year.The doctor then checks:The sensitivity of the feet . Using nylon thread, it presses more or less strongly on the feet.The presence or the absence of arteritis . This is the measurement of the pulse at the ankles and feet.The presence or the absence of deformations or poor positioning of the feet.Depending on the state of health of the feet, the doctor can refer to a pedicure and / or a podiatrist (or even an orthopedic surgeon) for a treatment adapted to the stage of development of the disease.Our tips for taking care of your feet every dayA few simple hygiene and prevention measures can help you keep your feet healthy.During the daily toilet:

Clean your feet with clear, lukewarm water and soap.
Dry your feet and the spaces between your toes with a clean towel to limit the risk of developing a yeast infection.
Hydrate your feet with a moisturizer (ask your doctor, podiatrist, pedicure or pharmacist for advice).
Examine your feet. If you lack flexibility, use a mirror to observe the bottom of your foot.
Do not cut your nails too short to limit skin wounds using suitable scissors with round ends (avoid pliers).

In case of calluses, calluses or corns, consult your pedicure or podiatrist who will be responsible for reducing or eliminating them. Avoid doing it yourself as you may injure yourself and cause complications.What to do in case of a foot sore?The foot sore is an emergency in a diabetic person. It is therefore essential, in the event of a wound, to consult your treating doctor as soon as possible, who will decide on the procedure to be followed (treatment, nursing, resting, etc.).How to choose good shoes when you are diabetic?The shoes most suited to the diabetic foot are neither too flexible nor too rigid, closed and with a small heel (less than or equal to 4 cm), wide for women. Buy your shoes at the end of the day, when the foot is inflated, to choose the size that suits you.

Also, never walk barefoot and opt for cotton socks. Some Diabetic socks are specially designed for the diabetic foot (reduction in seam). Do not hesitate to take advice from your doctor or pharmacist.

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How to Choose Right Bibs for Adults?

As for the design, most are designed to look like sleeveless t-shirts so it's not easy to wear a bib. This model is ideal in the company of other people or in a social setting. They also go down to the knee, so that when you are sitting, the crumbs of food fall on the bib and not on the knees. 
An adult bib can be reusable or disposable. The choice will depend on your situation. Most people use reusable bibs when they are at home and wear disposable bibs when they are not at home. However, you can use either one whenever you want. Of course, reusables are economical.
Types of adult bibs
The bibs for adults are available in different styles and sizes but the standard size is 18 by 30 inches. We will examine the different styles according to the materials and the closure.
It is the most affordable adult Bibs, hence its popularity. However, if you are looking for a long lasting bib, this would not be the best choice as it wears out fairly quickly. It also tends to shrink on washing. The terry cloth bib is made of pure cotton.
The vinyl back provides an impermeable barrier. These bibs have a vinyl back which is sewn either in poly / cotton or in terry cloth. The vinyl back prevents liquids from getting into your clothes. For this type of bib, you must wash it at a controlled temperature to prevent the vinyl part from melting. You should also be gentle when washing so as not to stretch it excessively and tear it.
100% polyester. These bibs can be washed as many times without tearing or wearing out. They are much more resistant and durable than cotton; however, they are not as absorbent as cotton.
Vinyl bib (wiping only). These bibs are made from 100% vinyl. They may not be as durable as other materials, but they are fine because they do not need to be washed. You just have to wipe them.
Closure styles
Hook and loop closure. It is essentially a bib with a hook-and-loop closure system. They are popular because they are easy to use. Even those with dexterity problems can easily hang them. But beware of washing, hooks and loops tend to lose their grip and shape after a few difficult washes.
The carabiners. Carabiners are also easy to close, but not as easy for elderly people with reduced mobility, as they require a little precision and effort to be closed.
Knot button. With this type of button, you just need to know how to slide the knot in the holes. Most have two holes for adjustment.
Self-fastening. This type of closure involves attaching the bib behind the neck. They are not very popular with adults because most of them find it difficult to pass behind their necks, but they are easy to detach.
Purchase guide
If you don't know adult crumb pickers yet, it can be very difficult to find the right size for you or your loved one. But don't worry, with the guide below, you should be well on your way to finding the best adult bibs to eat.
Washable or disposable
The first thing to do is to decide if you are going to buy a washable bib or a disposable bib for the elderly. Only then can you move on to the other factors.
Prices for adult bibs vary, as do the materials and patterns. This is why you have to decide how much you are willing to spend. If you buy in large quantities, we suggest you buy directly from the manufacturer to reduce the reseller's margin. Otherwise, compare prices to find the best deal.
The longer and wider the adult bib, the more complete the cover and the less food and liquid is found on your clothes. The industry standard size is currently 18 ″ by 30 ″ but there are smaller and larger bibs and the size to get depends on the condition of each.
Crumb catcher
These are pockets that allow the bib to hold crumbs during a meal to avoid spilling them. Crumb catchers are very practical for very disordered eaters.
Waterproof bibs have a layer of vinyl on the back of the bib to prevent liquids from entering your clothing. A waterproof bib is ideal for adults who tend to shake a lot when holding cups.
An adult bib can be closed with a loop and hook, snaps, knots or ties. Depending on the individual's limitations, the snaps may be more difficult to use while the hook and loop may be easier.
Poorly managed meals can really affect a person's self-esteem and appetite. It can even make them antisocial, because they don't want to be embarrassed in front of others. While this may be understandable, it doesn't have to be.
With an adult bib, meals can again be great. As the adult bibs are longer and wider, they are excellent for providing full coverage to minimize clutter and keep one dry and clean. They are available in a wide variety of patterns, colors and fabrics. You can also choose between a washable bib and a disposable bib. The choice is entirely yours.

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How to choose your Sports Bra when you have a Large Chest?

Quality sports lingerie is essential for ensuring optimal comfort for women during exercise. Whatever our physical activity, be it a gentle yoga session or a tennis match, as soon as we move, the chest needs good support.The breasts are not muscles and are jerked during movement. Ensuring optimal support of the bust is all the more necessary for women with generous breasts.

Why take a sports bra suitable for your large chest?

As with everyday lingerie, the size of the sports bra must be adapted to the chest measurement. Certain preconceived ideas would make believe that being compressed in an under-cut model would prevent the breasts from moving. It's wrong. Because crushing his bust does not prevent the chest from undergoing the movements and on the other hand, the discomfort created is absolutely unbearable.

To choose your sports bra , it is recommended to know your measurements , namely your chest size and your cup size. A model that is too small will give a feeling of compression , the straps could squeeze the breasts and irritate the skin, while the suspenders can cause friction and irritation on the shoulders.

Conversely, an undersized that is too large will only offer partial support. A luscious chest, due to its weight, naturally works the back muscles. These muscles are even more stressed during a sporting activity.
Only an underwear suitable for sport can ensure good support of the chest. In addition, in the longer term, optimal support of the bust chest will prevent accelerated aging and premature sagging of the breasts. This sag is normal with age, but some women are more susceptible to it than others. To counter this phenomenon, it is essential to opt for a bra for drooping breasts .

To feel a real ease during sport, opt for a large sports bra perfectly adapted to your figure. The underwire and cups will wrap around the breasts to offer sportswomen unhindered comfort.
When it comes to choosing sports underwear , women with generous breasts must make sure to bet on a model perfectly suited to their shapes.
For intense sports such as running or boxing , with high impact, it is advisable to choose a sports bra with underwire for perfect support. It is therefore necessary to avoid the headband shape, recommended for small breasts .
There are also models with non-padded sculpting cups, with triple stapling and a thicker back band for generous breasts. Because contrary to popular belief, it is not the straps that support the breasts.
The zipped sports bra for large breasts
The front zip closure of the bras brings more comfort to put on your top when you have a large chest. The racer back provides real ease of movement . Reinforced shoulder straps and wide back band provide optimal support.
Underwired sports bra
The underwired sports bra , with fastenings on the back or simply put on, keeps the bust in place. For sports likely to cause shocks, such as martial arts or horse riding, you will need a bra with very strong support, to prevent sloshing and to properly hold your chest in place. The purpose of the frames is to structure the chest and provide it with a framework. The soft materials that surround it make it comfortable to wear in all circumstances.

Comfort Finds

We help organizations to hire, satisfy, motivate, and retain their employees.

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At Comfort Finds, we know how important comfort is to a happy life. We are a comfort-oriented brand that focuses on getting you the best product to keep you comfortable. Comfort Finds has a variety of options for many specific ailments such as joint pain, diabetes, and swelling. 

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